by 14 April 2020
Aksi mulia dilakukan Abdoullah Mitiche baru-baru ini. Abdoul--sapaan akrabnya mendukung dan ikut menggalang dana untuk William James Reckless, Sabtu (11/4) lalu. Cyclist asal Aljazair tersebut menyelesaikan tantangan #Ride4William dengan gowes virtual sejauh 251,9 kilometer via platform Zwift.
by 22 March 2020
Abdoullah Mitiche membuat sebuah eksperimen saat mempersiapkan diri menyambut Herbana Bromo KOM Challenge 2020. Selama dua bulan, sejak Januari 2020, ia hanya berlatih indoor. Hasilnya, cyclist asal Aljazair ini berhasil menjuarai kategori usia 35-39 tahun.
by 04 May 2019
Volcanic ash was in the air; a mini eruption 2 days earlier had covered the summit and finish area with a thin layer of ash, reminding us that Bromo, the HC mountain our race features, is an active volcano. This is what you trained for, I reminded myself, as I glimpsed the fading 2-men breakaway. I was the chase; a podium finish was not in the bag, but became ever more obtainable.